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Father's Day!

Happy first official father’s day to my wonderful Fiancé! I wish we could be there today to spend the day together, eating wings or something, but we have kind of gotten used to this whole solo holiday experience.. That’s alright though, just another reason to blog ;)

Jakob and I never really had a talk about when or if we wanted children. We both knew we wanted them (Jake wants a lot but that’s another discussion LOL) and we both knew we wanted them young. I remember Jake once saying “I want to have kids while I’m young because I want to be a cool, athletic dad who plays with their kids.” Hahah, still makes me smile! I have always been the same way. Ever since my mom got sick, I knew I wanted to have children young so that I could have a full historectomy before I am 30 (it is a personal decision so keep your concerns to yourself). I guess we never planned to be parents quite this young. And some people may think that because we are young, we aren’t as good of parents. Well they’re wrong.

I could not picture Jakob being any better of a dad than he already his. He is like a natural with the twins (has he done this before?!) He manages to go above and beyond for the twins and I even when he gone for 6 months of the year. He always makes sure we are taken care of while he is gone. I couldn’t be doing this without his support! He is always reminding me how thankful and proud of me he is for handling all that I do without him. I must say I am more proud of him for being away from us for so long and holding it together like he does. He is so strong! Like seriously.. have you seen his arms?? ;) I’m kidding (kind of). But I could not imagine being away from babies like he does. But I know that he is doing it for us. We know that he is focusing on his career so that he can provide for his family, and we could not be any more grateful.

Spending holidays or big occasions like this apart does suck. And we always wish we could be there on each other’s big days. Or any day for that matter. But we somehow find a way to make it work. We do crazy things to see each other, always have always will. We really wish we could be there today to celebrate his first father’s day with him. He deserves to have us there, thanking him for all that he does for us. But we have trips planned coming up so we will have to celebrate then!

Thanks again Jakob for taking care of us like you do. You’re the type of father Jones will look up to and well…Penelope is already a daddy’s girl ;)


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Hello! Brianne, Bree, Mom, Fiance... any of those names work for me. Welcome to my journey of being a young mother to twins obsessed with fitness & traveling. Enjoy!

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