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Working on My Fitness

Wow it has been a long time I last posted! SO sorry! We have had a ton going on here this past week.. Jake left for the season, we all got the flu (the twins got it TERRIBLY), and I have been swamped with homework + also searching for summer job/internship positions. However, we did make time to sign up for a gym membership! I cannot express how great it feels to get back in the gym. I haven’t had a membership in forever since I used to just work out at the ASU fitness center on campus. Cierra + I chose a gym right by our apartment that has a daycare. And let me tell you… the workers there come to work excited every day to get to watch these twins! It makes their day whenever we all walk in! I feel 100% ok leaving them in their care + taking time to myself to sweat it out.

I haven’t routinely been in a gym for so long. I went maybe 10 or so times with Jake when he was here, but other than that I haven’t worked out since I was about 32 weeks pregnant. I know people find that hard to believe since only a week after delivery I looked like a runway model. LMFAO kidding. But really, I was a twig again only weeks after delivery. Well, I guess I shouldn’t say again. I have never been super small + skinny, I have always been naturally athletic + strong looking, which I have always been very thankful for. I do, however, credit the quick “bounce back” to how active + healthy I was during my pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant with twins, the first doctor appointment I had I was encouraged to continue my normal workouts. I have always been very active, but once I found out I was pregnant with twins, I was even MORE motivated to hit the gym! I absolutely H A T E when women use pregnancy as an excuse to eat for two..or even three... and they just completely let their health + fitness go to waste.

If anything, my pregnancy motivated me more because 1) I have always been conscious of my physique and 2) I wanted to be as healthy as possible for an easy delivery (which I didn’t exactly get.. but whatever). I managed to workout roughly 4-5 times a week while I was pregnant + I actively hiked + did prenatal yoga. I swear I have never been in as good of shape as when I was pregnant! I ran a ton so my lungs were in amazing shape. I also safely lifted, so I was very strong. I remained active up until 32 weeks, when I was put on bed rest. Those next four weeks on bed rest were spent eating mac and cheese + chips ahoy whenever I didn’t have heartburn. This is when I embraced the eating for three, I considered it “bulking” for my preemies lol.

I am so thankful for having that workout routine that allowed me to have a healthy pregnancy, made me feel confident despite being a whale, and allowed me to walk away stretch mark free (which I am very proud of because I took amazing care of my skin.. I will share those details another time!)

It has taken me awhile to be able to walk right after getting this gym membership, but it feels so freakin’ good to be sore again. Having Cierra here to be my gym partner has been great. We motivate each other a lot to try new things, so I can only imagine how all this hard work will pay off! I am hoping to share my routine, tips, + awesome workout I gear I score from Marshalls + Old Navy with everyone in upcoming blogs.. so please comment what you want to hear about! (Hopefully y’all would be interested…)

TRX bands

Under armor shoes
TRX Workout


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Hello! Brianne, Bree, Mom, Fiance... any of those names work for me. Welcome to my journey of being a young mother to twins obsessed with fitness & traveling. Enjoy!

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