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The Simple Seven

1. “Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know”

Looooove this quote. I cannot brush things off as easily as other individuals, and that is because I feel if it is bothering you, it is trying to teach you something. Clear/Listen to your mind + body.

2. Go away for college

Trust me from experience. GET AWAY. I cannot stress this enough. Especially when I am talking to current high school students. I truly did like my old college, it was great being so close to home when my mom was sick. But I needed to get away and experience new places. College is all about learning. But the majority of things you need to learn are not taught in the classroom. You have to learn them on your own. When you’re alone + struggling + out of of your comfort zone, that’s when you really learn about who are.

Not going to college? 100% ok. But still get away from your home town for at least a year to experience a new atmosphere!

3. If something bothers you, remove it

This is something I recently started doing. I found myself getting annoyed with certain things I saw on social media or something that would just rub me the wrong way. Its like I would be mad about seeing something someone did that I did not agree with. Then I realized, well.. if I don’t see it, then it can’t bring me bad vibes. That is why it’s better to just delete, unfollow, or whatever it takes to remove the negativity.

4. “In the end, everything will be ok. If it is not ok, then it is not the end”

FAV. ADVICE. EVER. Everyone gets to a point in their life where just think that no matter what, things will never get better. Well you’re wrong. I have experienced a lot of loss and pain in my short 21 years, but things eventually do get better. Every single time. And I know when you’re going through it, it feels like the hurt will never stop hurting. But it does end. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can be happy again.

5. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Even if it is silly.

Take it from a squirrel loving freak- whatever makes you happy, just freaking do it. I do love squirrels. I carry a picture of one in my wallet. It is the background on my IPad. I follow like 6 instagram accounts dedicated to just squirrels. And when I am feeling sad, I will Google a picture of a squirrel. It is the little things like that can completely improve your mood. Do whatever it takes. Embrace it.

6. Take care of yourself

Ugh. So many people take this for granted. We only have ONE life with ONE body + I don’t think people take that seriously. Now don’t get me wrong, I freaking love pizza and chocolate and wings and indulging on fruity drinks during a girls night out. I also love being a couch potato. But I still make it a point to walk every day or get outside and move around. I am not as fit as I once was because I truly do not have the time, but I still take my health as a serious issue to remain conscious about. I can honestly say that when I am working out and eating healthy, I feel 100x better about myself and my attitude is way better.

7. Make good karma

We all know "what goes around comes around". Make sure the next thing coming your way will you bring joy. Not a slap to the face.

BONUS TIP: Follow a squirrel account

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Hello! Brianne, Bree, Mom, Fiance... any of those names work for me. Welcome to my journey of being a young mother to twins obsessed with fitness & traveling. Enjoy!

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